
Samantha Rebert Yoga Teacher Orange County ERYT 500

I am Samantha Rebert, yoga educator and a student of life. I found yoga in 2001 as a stressed-out, perfection-seeking college student. I was drawn to the practice originally because I felt capable and beautiful in my body, but I kept coming back because of the philosophy and the way it shaped my mind. Now as a mother of two young children, my practice grounds me and reminds me to be kind, give space and experience wonder in life.

I believe that yoga is about learning how to be comfortable with discomfort. It is about breath, taking time to pause, being curious about your habits, thought patterns and beliefs, and deep connection to life. I would love to share with you my experience of the yoga practice as a whole (not just the asana or postures) and be a guide on your yoga journey toward understanding your Self.  Join me.